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    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Delton School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the regular program. A Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will only accept resident students in Grades 1 to 6 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

    If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.










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Dear Students, Parents, Guardians and Community Members,

Welcome to our school! At Delton School, our priority is student growth and success. We are committed to providing a positive learning environment that will foster and support high academic and behavioural expectations.  We provide an excellent learning environment and welcoming school atmosphere made possible by dedicated staff, committed parents and great students.

This website has been developed to inform you of policies, procedures and philosophies that are in place at Delton School.

Let’s work together to continue to build a strong academic and citizenship program for all students.


Principal's Message

Welcome to Delton Elementary School, home of the Dragons! I hope you find our website informative and useful.

Here at Delton we are committed to the Delton Way! The Delton Way starts with ALL of us.  We believe in working in partnership with families, parents/guardians, students, staff and our community partners to build a community of support, success and collaboration.  The Delton Way is our school’s philosophy.  We believe in community, kindness, caring, respect, responsibility, positive citizenship, student leadership and that we are all learning together. 

Our staff are committed to providing high quality learning environments that focus on literacy, numeracy, and fostering resiliency in their students.  This is also enhanced by our All in For Youth Partnerships.  We encourage everyone to be their best and believe that open communication is essential in supporting all stakeholders in working together.

Again, welcome to Delton Elementary School. We are so proud that you are considering being a part of our family. With us working together with optimism, enthusiasm and a sense of belonging as well as encouraging each other, we will take the education of our students to the next level. I look forward to getting to know you and developing a strong relationship that will foster success for all. 

Yours in partnership,

Ms. C. Simmons



 Delton School is full in planned classes in  Kindergarten and the Regular program. Only a Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will now only accept resident students in Grades 1-6 who have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or if you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

If you have questions about registering for school, contact the school office.